Contact Grills Client testimonials | Velox Grills

Customer comments - Éire

Following are a few samples of the hundreds of customer comments we have on file. They are exactly as the customers gave them to us and have not been altered in any way except for omitting the name of the customer.

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NewsCafé, Dublin

Delighted to say, we have used the Velox Grills for the best part of 18 years. We have 2 Doubles and 1 single.
Excellent for quick grill products, bacon to crepes etc. Really, really, a great purchase.

Hotel, Co Galway

Having bought (and thrown out) many other grills over 20 years - these work! Two of these grills feed Cork City in Ireland. (All citizens with good taste, at least).

Restaurant, Cork

If you buy one you will never look back. Most valued piece of kitchen equipment ever bought.

Cafe, Co Clare

After 4 years, breakfast would not be the same without it!

B+B, Co Wicklow

Have had my grills for the past 20 years and I am sure I could not carry on my efficient business without them.

Bar & Restaurant, Co Sligo

Has made me a fortune - Wonderful.

Cafe, Co Clare

Best investment our deli has made. Great earner!

Shop, Wexford

The only machine to do exactly as was advertised!

Spar, Dublin 2